

Meaning: The accumulation of airframe ice. Types of icing are:
  1. Rime Ice- Rough, milky, opaque ice formed by the instantaneous freezing of small supercooled water droplets.
  2. Clear Ice- A glossy, clear, or translucent ice formed by the relatively slow freezing or large supercooled water droplets.
  3. Mixed- A mixture of clear ice and rime ice. Intensity of icing:
  4. Trace- Ice becomes perceptible. Rate of accumulation is slightly greater than the rate of sublimation. Deicing/anti-icing equipment is not utilized unless encountered for an extended period of time (over 1 hour).
  5. Light- The rate of accumulation may create a problem if flight is prolonged in this environment (over 1 hour). Occasional use of deicing/anti-icing equipment removes/prevents accumulation. It does not present a problem if the deicing/anti-icing equipment is used.
  6. Moderate- The rate of accumulation is such that even short encounters become potentially hazardous and use of deicing/anti-icing equipment or flight diversion is necessary.
  7. Severe- The rate of ice accumulation is such that ice protection systems fail to remove the accumulation of ice, or ice accumulates in locations not normally prone to icing, such as areas aft of protected surfaces and any other areas identified by the manufacturer. Immediate exit from the condition is necessary.

Note: Severe icing is aircraft dependent, as are the other categories of icing intensity. Severe icing may occur at any ice accumulation rate when the icing rate or ice accumulations exceed the tolerance of the aircraft.

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