Air Traffic Controller Salaries

Salary information for Air Traffic Controllers in the United States

Salary Calculator

The exact salary of an air traffic controller depends on what facility they work at, what level of certification they have received, and how long they have been working. It is also augmented by overtime and other premium pay.

This calculator shows detailed salary information for controllers at any FAA facility. It is based on the official Air Traffic Specialized Pay Plan for 2024.

Average Salary, All Facilities

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median wages for federal air traffic controllers in May 2023 were as follows:

Category Hourly Salary
Highest 10% > $96.31 > $200,990
Median $65.83 $137,380
Lowest 10% < $36.51 < $76,190

Premium Pay, All Facilities

Premium pay is given to air traffic controllers for working nights, weekends, holidays, etc.

Type Premium Amount
Holidays + 100%
Overtime + 50%
Sundays + 25%
On-the-job training instructor + 20%
Nights (6PM-6AM) + 10%
Controller-in-charge + 10%

These amounts accumulate when more than one condition applies. The total amount of premium pay earned will vary based on the staffing level and operating hours of a facility. At a 24/7/365 facility, a controller may be able to expect an additional 10-15% added to their wages as premium pay.

See also: 2024 FAA Pay and Holiday Calendar.